[FY09/24 Announcement of Financial Results for the First Quarter] Consolidated transaction volume of 26.1billion yen (143% compared to the same period last year), consolidated sales of 6.39 billion yen (127% compared to the same period of the previous year), operating income of 980 million yen (169% compared to the same period of the previous year),From this fiscal year, we have positioned this as the start of the third stage after listing, and under the medium to long-term growth strategy “AirTrip 5000” and the FY24.9 growth strategy “AirTrip 2024”, we have achieved a significant increase in sales and profit over the previous fiscal year by building business profits in each business portfolio, and the third stage has started well, and AirTrip is now “moving to the next stage”.


  • IR information
We are pleased to announce the announcement of financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024 for the 18th term.

From this fiscal year, we positioned this as the start of the third stage after listing, and under the medium to long-term growth strategy "AirTrip 5000" and the FY24.9 growth strategy "AirTrip 2024", the consolidated business results for the first quarter of FY9/2024 were 26.1 billion yen in transaction volume, 6.39 billion yen in net sales, and 980 million yen in operating income, a significant increase from the previous year due to the accumulation of business earnings in each business portfolio. The third stage has started well, and AirTrip is moving on to the "next stage".

In the AirTrip Online Travel Business, we have steadily uptaken of domestic travel demand, continued the strong performance of the previous fiscal year and driving the entire business portfolio as a pillar of earnings by gaining the recognition during the "advertising investment phase" up to FY19.9, continuing strategic marketing investments in line with increases and decreases in travel demand, improving convenience through UI/UX improvements, and various promotions. 

Existing business areas other than the AirTrip Online Travel Business,[IT Off-shore Development Business, Inbound Travel Agency / Wi-Fi Rental Business, Media Business, Investment Business (AirTrip CVC), Regional Revitalization Business, and Cloud Business] are generally performing well and steadily, and we are promoting further business portfolio construction to strategically build and strengthen the "AirTrip Economic Zone".

In particular, in the Investment Business (AirTrip CVC), two of our investee companies, Japan M&A Solution Incorporated. (Stock code: 9236) and Value Creation Co., Ltd. (Stock code: 9238), were listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market in the first quarter, marking the 16th IPO of our investee companies.
In addition, we released the "AirTrip CVC Report Vol. 6" in November 2023 and held the "2nd AirTrip CVC Award" in January 2024.

Also, Best Reserve Co.,Ltd. that operates the hotel reservation website "Best Reserve/Yado Plaza", as a subsidiary to strengthen the domestic hotel business, AirTrip Agent Corp., a Group company, as a wholly owned subsidiary to launched a new Human Resource Solutions Business, and northshore Inc., a Group company to start a new Creative Solutions & DX Business. In addition, we are investing aggressively to achieve "AirTrip 5000" as early as possible under our "AirTrip 2024" growth strategy for FY24.9.

Going forward, the AirTrip Group will promote the creation of a strategic business portfolio by launching at least one new business each year, and will strive for endless growth by achieving the mid to long-term growth strategy of "AirTrip 5000" and expanding operating income to 5 billion yen and 10 billion yen, respectively.

Please see our IR page for details.